Nice chords!
I like this arp. Almost sounds like tobu.
The little clappy thing seems a bit out of place
Try to side chain your kick with everything else, its getting drowned out in the mix and it's clashing with the bass.
Theres so many things going on I can't tell which melody I'm supposed to be listening to.
I like the slow down in the drums :)
You seem to only be using one high hat for the entirety of the song. Try using other hi hats and rides to crisp up the percussion a bit.
I like the little riser you use :)
You might not want to have a rise and then not have a drop... usually songs will have a second drop if there is another buildup. It's just a bit disappointing to the ear, ya know?? xD
OVERALL: 3/5. You seem to be getting better mate :)